Theme: Exploring the new horizons in pediatric nutrition


Renowned Speakers


Pediatric Nutrition Conference is delighted to invite you to attend the "8th International Conference on Pediatric Nutrition" to be held on October 09-10, 2023 as a Webinar. PEDIATRICS NUTRITION 2023 will be an innovative and life-changing international conference, reflecting the direction of pediatrics and nutrition in the 21st century in a safe yet exciting environment that provides a good range of entertainment for attendees from all walks of life. This conference can be an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest developments in the pediatrics field.

Research and Development in Pediatrics Nutrition provides an excellent opportunity to share views, exchange knowledge and establish research collaborations and networks

We also welcome the participation of presidents, CEOs, delegates and industry executives from the pharmaceutical and healthcare sectors, making the congress an ideal platform to network, share views and knowledge through interactive keynotes, plenaries, and posters.

Why to attend?

The International Pediatrics Nutrition Conferences are the platform to present and exchange ideas on research in diagnosis, prevention and management and thus contribute to the global dissemination of knowledge in pediatrics and child health for the benefit of universities and companies.

The organizing committee of this pediatrics nutrition meeting is preparing an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at Pediatrics Nutrition 2023, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with scholars from around the world. All members of the Pediatrics Nutrition 2023 organizing committee look forward to meeting you in Conference.

Track1: Pediatric Dietitian

A pediatric dietitian is a registered dietitian with extensive experience in treating children and adolescents. This is important because treating children is very different from treating adults. Pediatric nutritionists usually have experience working as part of a health care team. This occurs in inpatients (hospitals) or in various outpatient facilities. Pediatric nutritionists specialize in assessing nutritional needs, nutritional intake, and growth during both health and illness. Individually tailored nutritional advice is provided based on your child's age, dietary needs, treatments and health conditions. A nutritionist supports children and their families by providing individualized meal plans to ensure proper nutrition during treatment. Meal plans are tailored to each child's needs and individually tailored to take into account their likes and dislikes and beliefs.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track2: Neonatal intensive Care

Neonatal care is the type of care a baby born premature or sick receives in a neonatal unit. Units are a part of hospitals which provide care for babies who are born prematurely (before 37 weeks' gestation), with a medical condition which needs treatment, or at a low birth weight.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track3: Neonatal Nutrition

Very small or sick newborns may need to receive nutrition and fluids intravenously (IV). As they get stronger, they may start feeding milk or formula through a tube that goes through their nose or mouth into their stomach. This is called tube feeding. Adequate nutrition during her first three years of life is especially important because it reduces morbidity and mortality, reduces the risk of chronic disease throughout life, and promotes regular mental and physical development. It is important.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track4: Child Development & Stages   

Young children can be naughty, defiant and impulsive from time to time, which is very normal. However, some children have extremely difficult and challenging behaviors that are outside the boundary for their age. The most common disruptive behavior disorders include oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), conduct disorder (CD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). These three behavioral disorders share common symptoms, so diagnosis is difficult and time-consuming. An infant may have two disorders at the same time. Other outside factors can include emotional problems, mood disorders, family difficulties and substance abuse.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track5: Maternal and Infant medical care

Maternal and Infant care can be defined as promoting, preventing, therapeutic, care facility for mother and child. The main objective is to reduce mortality and morbidity among mothers and infants.

The main goal of maternal and child care are as follows

·         Child survival

·         Promoting reproductive health

·         Ensuring birth of a healthy child

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track6: Child Vaccination

Vaccines are products usually given to children to protect them from serious, often fatal diseases. By stimulating your body's natural defences, they prepare your body to fight disease faster and more effectively. Vaccines, helps the immune system fight infections more efficiently. If a virus or bacterium invades the body in the future, the immune system already knows how to fight it. Vaccines are very safe. Your child is much more likely to be harmed by a vaccine-preventable disease than by a vaccine .All vaccines undergo rigorous safety testing, including clinical trials, before they are released to the public. Increase Countries register and distribute only vaccines that meet strict quality and safety standards.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track7: Juvenile Nursing & Care

The most vital requirement for the infant promptly after birth is an unmistakable aviation route to empower the infant to inhale successfully since the placenta has stopped to work as an organ of gas exchange. It is with the support of sufficient oxygen supply through viable breath that the survival of the infant enormously depends. Infants are mandatory nose breathers. The reflex reaction to the nasal deterrent, opening the mouth to look after aviation route, is absent in many babies until 3 weeks after birth. The fruitful change of a foetus, which is inundated in the amniotic liquid and absolutely subject to the placenta for nourishment and oxygen, to a crying, the air-breathing child is a wellspring of ponder. Healthy babies (age birth to 1 month) and new born children (age 1 month to 1 year) require great care to guarantee their ordinary improvement and proceeded with wellbeing.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track8: Child's Mental health

Mental health in childhood means reaching developmental and emotional milestones, and learning healthy social skills and how to cope when there are problems. nutrition affects the brain development and mental well-being of children more than adults. Children who eat more nutritional diets, with more fruits and vegetables, have better mental health and wellbeing, which can directly impact anxiety levels, sleep patterns and more.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

 Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track9: Influence of  Parenting Style on Child Development

Parenting style alludes to the manner by which parents bring up their kids. The way that individuals parent is an essential factor in their youngsters' socioemotional development and advancement. In her exploration, Diana Baumrind (1966) observed what she thought to be the two essential components that assistance shape fruitful child rearing: parental responsiveness and parental demandingness. Through her investigations, Baumrind distinguished three introductory Parenting styles: authoritative parentingauthoritarian parenting, and permissive parenting. Maccoby and Martin (1983) later developed Baumrind's three unique Parenting styles by including the uninvolved or careless style, which has the most inescapable negative results over all areas. While only one out of every odd parent falls perfectly into one classification, these parenting styles, for the most part, compare with the kind of discipline a parent utilizes with his or her tyke or kids.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track10: Pediatric first aid& Emergency

First aid is simple medical treatment given as quickly as possible to an injured or suddenly ill person. Pediatric first aid means emergency care and treatment given to an injured child before definitive medical and surgical treatment is secured. Pediatric first aid includes, but is not limited to, ventilation, asphyxiation first aid, and CPR. First aid is the immediate treatment of an injured person. The purpose of first aid is to minimize injury and future disability. In severe cases, first aid may be required to keep the victim alive. A first aid person is someone who has completed training appropriate to the situation. Must have a valid proof of competence.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track11: Infant jaundice

Infantile jaundice occurs when the baby's blood contains too much bilirubin, the yellow pigment found in red blood cells. Infantile jaundice is a common condition, especially in babies born before 38 weeks of gestation (prematurity) and breastfed babies. In most cases, jaundice is temporary and harmless. Rarely, jaundice is serious or even life-threatening. Fortunately, prompt treatment can prevent most complications of jaundice in children. If not treated properly, jaundice can lead to serious health problems. If your child suffers from jaundice, you will notice that their skin has a yellowish tint.The whites of their eyes will also turn yellow. Your child may also have dark yellow urine and pale stools.The skin may become itchy. Children with jaundice often have a yellowish tinge to their eyes and skin, usually starting on the face and spreading over the body.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track12: Malnutrition 

Malnutrition refers to deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization. The double burden of malnutrition consists of both under nutrition and overweight and obesity, as well as diet-related noncommunicable diseases. Malnutrition refers to deficiencies or excesses in nutrient intake, imbalance of essential nutrients or impaired nutrient utilization. The double burden of malnutrition consists of both under nutrition and overweight and obesity, as well as diet-related noncommunicable diseases.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track13: Paediatric Rheumatology

A pediatric rheumatologist is a physician with precise training to diagnose and treat autoimmune diseases that afflict children. Some of the most common causes your child may see a pediatric rheumatologist include enlarged and stiff joints, a particular low-grade fever, skin rashes, weakness, and chronic inflammation. At your first visit, your child's rheumatologist will thoroughly examine your child's past symptoms. with your family history. The doctor will also review the latest labs and images and perform a complete physical examination. In some circumstances, a diagnosis cannot be made at the time of the initial appointment and only a few follow-up visits are required. In addition to the history and tests, a pediatric rheumatologist may recommend some of the following tests during an anorexia evaluation: Accurate assessment of juvenile arthritis, spondylitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, antiphospholipid syndrome, dermatomyositis, Soren syndrome, vasculitis, scleroderma, mixed collagen disease, sarcoidosis, Lyme disease, osteomyelitis, degenerative polychondritis have knowledge.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track14: Breast Feeding

Breastfeeding offers many benefits to a baby. Breast milk contains the right balance of nutrients to help the infant grow strong and healthy. Some of the nutrients in breast milk also help protect infants against some common childhood illnesses and infections. It may also help mother's health. Certain types of cancer may occur less often in mothers who have breastfed their babies. Women who don't have health issues should try to give their babies breast milk for at least the first six months of life.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track15: Paediatric cardiology

Heart failure in children can be treated in a variety of ways, from mild illnesses that can be cured with short-term medications to those that may require surgical intervention. Pediatric cardiologists have special skills in diagnosing, treating, and preventing heart disease in children. Many heart diseases can affect children. There are also inherent physical differences. Others involve the electrical system that controls the heartbeat. Some pediatric cardiologists also treat "pulmonary hypertension" and "systemic hypertension." Children are not just small adults. The types of heart problems children have are very different from adults. For example, children are more likely to be diagnosed with heart disease than they were at birth, yet heart attacks in children are extremely rare. Pediatric cardiologists work closely with primary care pediatricians to Ensures coordinated and comprehensive care. Because heart problems are complex and can involve other complications in children, pediatric cardiologists often work in teams with other health care providers.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track16: Paediatric Trauma & Sugery

Child abuse traumatic brain injury or head injury at birth, immaturity, or absence. In general, the types of injuries during immaturity and absence include the following. This is known as the primary injury because it is the first trauma to the head or brain: Crown, Brain Injury, Headache, Intracerebral haemorrhage, intracranial hematoma, verbose axonal injury, Conflict. Pediatric surgery is a special surgery that includes surgery for newborns, infants, toddlers, teens, and adolescents. General surgery: Examples of the most common types of minor surgery may include, but are not limited to, the following: The placement of storage tubes, Hernia Repair, Repair of fractures, Sores on the skin.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Track17: Paediatric Dentistry

Pediatric dentists have been dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy to adolescence. They have experience and qualifications to look after baby teeth, epoxies, and mouths in all stages of chronic infertility. Babies begin to receive baby teeth during the first 6 months of life. By the time they are 6 or 7 years old, they are starting to lose their first teeth, eventually being replaced with second, never decayed teeth.Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay and complaints that can be get a continuance of pain and complications. Early childhood dental caries—an contagious complaint—is 5 times more common in children than asthma and 7 times more common than hay fever. About 1 of 5 (20%) children progressed 5 to 11 years have at least one undressed decayed toot.

Pediatric Nutrition Conference  | Child Nutrition Congress | Pediatric Nutrition meet 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian | Neonatal Nutrition summit | Pediatric Nutrition Conference | Neonatal Nutrition Event | Child Dietitian 2023 | Pediatric Dietitian Conference | Pediatric Nutrition Meeting | Pediatric Dietitian summit

Related Societies:

American Academy of Pediatrics | International Pediatric Association | European Pediatric Association | Academic Pediatric Association | The Asia-Pacific Pediatric Association | International Union of Nutritional Sciences | Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society | Federation of African Nutrition Societies | International Confederation of Dietetic Associations

Advantages of Participating at our conference

  • The advantage the Speaker & Abstract pages created in Google on your profile under your name would get worldwide visibility
  • Our robust online publicity attracts 30000+ users and 50000+ views to our Library of Abstracts which brings worldwide exposure to the researchers and speakers participate in our conferences
  • Meet and exchange ideas with hundreds of like-minded professionals who are leaders in Hematology.
  • All the conference participants will have a different excuse to participate at one-to-one meeting with eminent Speakers and renowned keynote speakers.
  • A unique opportunity to listen what the worldwide researchers are talking about at our Keynote sessions by world’s most eminent researchers in the field of Hematology.
  • Hematology Congress intensive conference schedule, you will access strategic gift planning knowledge and expertise that’s worth its weight golf form an impressive array of recognized professionals.
  • Top Industries Representation of Industrial Leaders, where you get a great opportunity to meet and discuss with the Industrial Leaders in person
  • Exposure to Symposia’s, Workshops on carrier development and Preconference workshops in all major countries
  • Nominations for Best Poster Award
  • Outstanding Young Researcher Award
  • Group Registration benefits

Benefits of Participation- Speaker

  • Worldwide acknowledgment of Researcher’s profile
  • Obtain professional development credits
  • Explore the best in Cutting edge Research
  • Make Lasting connections at Networking and Social Events
  • An opportunity to give One page advertisement in abstract book and flyers distribution which eventually gets 1 Million views and add great value to your research profile
  • Learn beyond your field of interest, a change to know more about the new topics and research apart from your core subject from Hematology.
  • We provide unique convergence of Networking, Learning and Fun into a single package

Benefits of Participation- Delegate

  • Professional Development –Uplift the knowledge and skills
  • Conference attendance inspires, rejuvenates, and energizes delegates
  • Your participation at our conference will be helpful for a new approach and ideology that can be utilized for the extending the outcome of companies or industries.
  • Opportunities to meet through online webinar for Hematology Congress researchers and experts of same field and share new ideas

Benefit of Participation- Sponsor

  • Exposure to the international atmosphere will increase the odds of getting new business
  • Opportunity to showcase the new technology, new products of your company, or the service your industry to a broad international participants.
  • World’s No. 1 platform to show case Hematology products.
  • Increase business by lead generation through our conference participants.
  • Build a successful business takes a lot of time, effort and drive, so it’s always good to have a network of colleagues and associates to draw energy from people who share a similar drive and objective.
  • Hematology conferences create opportunities for greater focus and reflection that could help you take your business to the next level.
  • Benchmarking key strategies for business and moving it forward
  • Get answers to your business questions and challenges from credible individuals at our conference
  • Real Benefits in New business-Many Organizations make deals and sign contracts at our Hematology Congress.
  • Promotional logo of your organization at our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material

Benefit of Association for Collaborators

  • No one in the world have this huge visitors towards Hematology, this is the best platform to showcase the society
  • Create long-lasting relationships with the peers
  • Promotional content and Logo of your Association at our conference banner, website and other proceedings, branding and marketing material will increase your subscribers/Members number by 40%.
  • Our event visibility to your Organization page can give a great impact for your association in the Global Market forum.
  • Your representatives can network with key conference delegates to update their knowledge and understanding of your organization and services.
  • Details will be incorporated with Hematology promotional materials like flyers, brochure, pamphlets, program  which will be distributed to Hospitals, Universities, Society and Researcher

PEDIATRICS NUTRITION 2023 is an important nutritional supplement for the formative infant. These products are available in dairy-based, soy-based, amino acid-based and organic forms. These nutritional products support brain development and can also help treat allergies and metabolic disorders. Most of the births in 2017 were recorded in the Asia-Pacific region, so this region offers the greatest opportunity for market participants. Mead Johnson Nutrition (acquired by Reckitt Benckiser Group plc), Nestle S.A. Abbott, maximizes market share in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly China. The high ROI of this market influences large players to choose inorganic growth methods, increasing the market entry of new players. The global pediatric nutrition market is valued at USD 47,185.41 million in 2022 and is projected to exhibit a CAGR of 6.4% over the forecast period (2022-2030). Increasing demand for nutritional products in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to boost the growth of the pediatric nutrition market. Increasing demand for nutritional products in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to boost the growth of the pediatric nutrition market. Malnutrition rates are high in Asian countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Indonesia. For example, in August 2019, according to the United Nations International Children's Fund (UNICEF), Afghanistan has one of the highest rates of growth in children under the age of five in the world, at 41% for her. Stunting is a sign of chronic malnutrition during the most critical stages of growth. It prevents children from achieving potential immunity, sufficient vitamins.

Underdeveloped children are more likely to develop diseases, are less likely to receive basic medical care, In Afghanistan, chronic malnutrition is largely caused by children eating the wrong foods or not eating enough. Only half are exclusively breastfed, and exposure to contaminated liquids and food puts them at increased risk of contracting life-threatening illnesses such as diarrhea and pneumonia. Attrition rates, an extreme manifestation of severe acute malnutrition, are very high in Afghanistan at 9.5%. In Afghanistan, only half of infants are exclusively breastfed for the first six months. Only 12% of babies aged 6 to 24 months in Afghanistan are able to make age-appropriate food choices.


Pediatrics Nutrition 2022

We are thankful to all our wonderful Speakers, Conference Attendees, Students, and Associations for making the 7th International Conference on Pediatric Nutrition the best!

“7th International Conference on Pediatric Nutrition’’ was held on November 24-25, 2022 in Berlin, Germany, based on the theme ‘‘Accommodate healthier world for neonates.” Benevolent response and active participation were received from the Organizing Committee Members along with Scientists, Researchers, Students and leaders from various fields of Pediatrics, who made this event an outstanding success.


To share your views and research, please click here to register for the Conference.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 04-05, 2023
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